Booth Vendor Name Description
5,6,16,17,4 Carolina Princess Dresses Women Shoes
124,125 Colibri International Shoes
74,75,76 Tesoro Del Cielo Dress shoes for Men and Women
104,128 Luis Freddy Jimenez Sport shoes
65,66,85,86 Pappy's Military Surplus Army Boots, Work Boots, 511 foot wear, and Shoes.
52 Kathy Gross Work Boots, Shoes, and Sandals.
18,19 Allen's Footwear Footwear for everyone and many different styles of quality shoes.
30,31 Sonya Ramirez Shoes, and Footwear.
21,26 Aied Mohammed Boots and Shoes.
79,80,99 El Zacatecas Boots
71 Jacqueline Aguilar Boots
91,116 La Herradura Boots
Temp tables 9,10
Ricardo Lopez Boots
55,127 Gloria Alba Men and Women dress shoes
32,33,15 Bronco Boots, shoes, and Sandals
118,117    Lorenzo Perez Work boots, shoes, and other foot wear